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Should I Dust Or Vacuum First?

Should I Dust Or Vacuum First?

Cleaning your house helps you to stayrelaxed in a clean and healthy place.

In case you care about the cleaningof your home and regularly clean it surely, you dust and vacuum it. Like manypeople who want to correctly clean their houses by completely getting rid ofdust and dirt, you have questions.

If you are a little confused andwondering “Should I dust or vacuum my home first?” We know it is a confusingmatter; therefore, here we will clarify the pros and cons of dusting your homefirst, vacuuming your home first, and which is better.

Dust First

Some people prefer to dust the homefirst and then vacuum it. For those people dusting at first is better. That isbecause dusting all the places in which dust accumulates will agitate all dustparticles that build upon your upholstery, carpets, and on your entire home.

After that, you can vacuum yourhouse floor in which all dirt and dust are settled. It is advisable to dusthigh places first to not let the dust fall on clean items.

Vacuum First

For people who prefer to vacuumtheir houses first, it is better to vacuum first and get your home floor andfurniture clean and then dust your furniture. They think by vacuuming your homefirst, you will gather the dust on your furniture and other places in yourhome. Therefore, you will dust easily after vacuuming.

To vacuum first, you need to have acleaning tool that helps you to collect the dust and not throw it on yourvacuumed floor.

Vacuum, Dust, And Vacuum Again

People who think it is better tostart by vacuuming and know that dusting after vacuuming can collect dust anddirt on the home floor, they vacuum again.

Indeed, everyone has its method thathe/she prefers and it is your house so, you have the right to do what you want.

Additionally, other people dust,vacuum, and then dust again. They start by dusting the high items such as fansthen vacuum home items and dust again.

Overall, there are many people whoprefer to do vacuuming first, it is usually what many clients ask for performing. However, you are the decision-maker and the two options are availableand deciding which one of them should be done first is completely up to you.

Whether you think vacuuming thehouse first is better or dusting it first is the better, call Air Duct Cleaning Houston toget the best cleaning service. We do what you want properly, your satisfactionis our utmost goal.

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